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Olivia Luchini
- Aug 10, 2018
Why We Worship Barb
Stranger Things premiered in 2016 and gained a massive amount of fans with its '80s aesthetic, witty dialogue and complex...
Olivia Luchini
- Aug 9, 2018
Pokémon: A Collection of Body Hate
I originally intended to write about Pokémon and its singular body type for female characters yesterday, but when I began my research on...
Olivia Luchini
- Aug 6, 2018
Star Wars: One Body Type in a Galaxy Far, Far Away
Star Wars rocked the world of pop culture when it burst onto the screen in 1977, and it is considered a cultural unifier because it...
Olivia Luchini
- Aug 4, 2018
Superheroines vs. Women's Bodies
In 1934, Detective Comics (or DC) was founded by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, which ultimately led to the creation of a new character...
Olivia Luchini
- Aug 2, 2018
Disney and the "Small is Good" Trope
Salutations! Today, I will be delving into the lack of representation of women who are tall AND thick, or TSCs (tall, strong, chunky)....
Olivia Luchini
- Aug 1, 2018
The Forgotten Figure (The TSC)
Greetings! My name is Olivia, and I have some qualms with the entertainment industry that I've been meaning to express. For the longest...
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